Commercial Construction Loans: Tips for Non-Traditional Borrowers

Traditional Borrowers

As a borrower, do you need help with commercial construction loans for borrowers with bad credit? Companies use these loans to build or repair office buildings and commercial centers. They buy labor, supplies, and land.

Non-traditional borrowers, on the other hand, may need help getting traditional commercial construction loans. This is why:

  • Credit History: Creditworthiness is a big deal for traditional lenders. Even if the problems with money in the past are explained, it can still be hard to get a loan.
  • Experience: Lenders who want to see a track record may be wary of someone who has yet to build business property.

The people at know that your goals should exceed the usual banking requirements. That’s where we come in. As a correspondent lender with a network of different funding sources, we can help you find loan choices that look at more than just your credit score.

Even though we don’t do financing ourselves, it’s our job to help you through the process, find the best lender for your project, and fight for your rights.

Traditional Bank Loans: Not Always the Right Fit

When people think of financing commercial construction, they often think of traditional bank loans. The rates on these loans are reasonable, but there are strict rules that must be followed:

  • Strong Credit Score: Banks give more credit to people with a history of careful borrowing, which shows in their credit scores.
  • High Down Payment: You’ll usually have to make a big investment upfront, like a significant down payment, which can be challenging for people who don’t usually borrow money.
  • Stable Business History: You can handle a project and repay the loan if you have a long history of successful commercial real estate development. This can be hard for people who are new to the field.

These loans are stable, and because of their strict requirements, they can only be taken out by non-traditional borrowers with great ideas who need more experience or credit background. We can help with this.

Alternative Financing Options for Non-Traditional Borrowers

Bank loans may be just one of many choices. Here are some different ways for non-traditional borrowers to get loans:

Hard Money Loans

  • Characteristics: Getting a hard money loan takes less time than a regular loan. However, they have higher interest rates and depend a lot on the value of the assets.
  • Suitability: Using these loans for short-term projects that need money quickly is best. They can also be a good choice for seasoned buyers with valuable collateral who have had credit problems.

SBA Loans

  • Explanation: Small Business Administration (SBA) loans have lower interest rates and longer terms than other loans because the government partly backs them.
  • Benefits: People who don’t usually borrow money can use these loans more quickly.
  • Eligibility: The eligibility standards consider the type of commercial or project you want to work on. As SBA lenders, we can help you understand these rules and choose the best SBA loan scheme for your needs.

Private Lenders

  • Who are they?: Private lenders are people or groups that put money into real estate projects.
  • Focus: They are less likely to look at your credit history and more likely to look at how good your project is and how much money it could make.
  • Key to Success: When you go to private lenders, you need a good business plan and proof that the job can be done.

Bridge Loans

  • Purpose: Bridge loans are a short-term way to get money to cover gaps during building. This can be useful if getting long-term support takes longer than planned.
  • Crucial Factor: Before getting a bridge loan, you must plan for permanent financing to repay the short-term loan when the permanent funding comes through.

DSCR Loans

DSCR stands for Debt Service Coverage Ratio. These loans are complicated and are usually best for experienced borrowers working on projects with complex budgets. They think about using a mix of debt and stock to pay for the project.

Business Statement of Income Loan

Business Statement of Income Loans, like DSCR loans, are complicated to get because they combine debt and property. They are best for seasoned users working on projects that need a more complex financial plan.

Building a Strong Case for Your Loan Application: Keys to Success for Non-Traditional Borrowers

You may need an excellent credit background, but there are ways to stand out as a non-traditional borrower. Here’s how to make a robust loan application.

The Power of a Solid Business Plan

Your golden ticket is a well-thought-out business plan. This detailed paper shows that your project will work and that you can repay the loan. Here are some essential things to include:

  • Project Description: Demonstrate in detail what your commercial construction job is for, how big it is, and when it needs to be done.
  • Market Analysis: Show that you know what the local market wants and how your project compares to others in the same field.
  • Financial Projections: Give accurate financial projections that include expected prices, sources of income, and a straightforward way to make money.
  • Exit Strategy: Describe how you plan to end the project by selling or refinancing the property.

Collateral Value Matters

The value given to your commercial property as collateral for the loan. Here’s how to make it look more valuable to the lender:

  • Location, Place, and Area: Pick a place for your project with many market possibilities and easy access to services.
  • Comparable Properties: Find similar homes in the area and discuss their value to show how your project could work.
  • Construction Quality: Plan for a high-quality building to increase the property’s value over time.

Experience Speaks Volumes (Even Without a Traditional Track Record)

Even if you’re not a typical user, show that you have experience or knowledge in the field. These are some ways to do that:

  • Highlight Relevant Experience: Refrain from hiding your experience in a related area, like construction or property management.
  • Gather Strong References: References from past business partners, workers, or professionals in the field can help your application.
  • Team Up for Success: If your team is strong and has a wide range of skills and experience, show how they contribute to the project.

Transparency is Fundamental

Being honest with lenders builds trust and makes the loan application process go more smoothly.

  • Be Responsive: Answer questions and pleas for information right away.
  • Provide All Documentation: Quickly get all the financial documents, permits, and project information you need and turn them in.
  • Maintain Open Communication: Keep the lender informed about how the job is going and about any problems that might come up.

If you follow these tips, you can make a strong case for your commercial construction loan, even though you are not a typical borrower. We at are here to help you through the process and find the best way to pay for your job.

Why You Should Use We Can Help You Get Non-Traditional Loans

You can get a commercial construction loan through a traditional lender. Working with an associate lender like can make a big difference for borrowers who don’t usually get loans.

Access to a Wider Funding Network

First, we have access to a more extensive network of lenders, so we’re not limited to the terms of just one. We have built ties with a wide range of lenders as a correspondent lender. That way, we can still find the best loan choice for your project, even with bad credit.

Knowledge of how to find loan options

It can be hard to understand commercial construction loans. We know how to get hard money loans, SBA loans, private lender loans, and bridge loans, among other types of loans. We’ll help you weigh the pros and cons of each choice and point you in the direction of the best one that fits your project’s needs and budget.

Speaking up for non-traditional borrowers

We understand that non-traditional customers need help. We do more than handle applications; we also speak up for you. We’ll show lenders what your project can do by pointing out its strengths and your ability to succeed. We want to help you get the money you need to build the commercial building of your dreams.

When you work with, you get a partner with the tools and knowledge to help you get a loan, even though you are not a typical customer. Let us help you assemble a good case, find suitable lenders, and reach your commercial construction goals.

This indicates that you shouldn’t let traditional rules stop you.

You don’t have to give up on your commercial construction dreams just because you’re not a typical borrower. Just a quick review:

  • You may have more than one choice besides traditional loans. Look into other ways to get money, such as SBA loans, private lenders, bridge loans, and hard money loans.
  • Make an exciting loan application with a good business plan, stress the value of the security, and show off your skills or experience.
  • Throughout the process, open conversation and honesty are critical.

Join forces with to Succeed

We know how hard it can be for people who don’t usually borrow money. Our knowledge and ability to connect you with various lenders can help you get the cash you need.

Call us right now (844) 690 6000 to get a free appointment! Talk about your project with the lender and find the best loan option to make your idea come true.


I need to improve with money. How low does your credit have to be to get a loan for business construction?

Traditional bank loans have strict credit score standards. Alternatively, alternative lenders often focus on the potential of the project and your ability to repay the loan more quickly. A good credit score is helpful, but we can help you find lenders who care more about your business plan, experience, and the value of the property you’re putting up as collateral.

Are interest rates higher for people who aren’t good borrowers?

Interest rates can change based on the loan type, the project details, and the financial situation. Some alternative lenders may charge you more than banks, but we can help you determine your choices and find a loan with rates that fit your budget.

I’m new to building business property. What can I do to make up for my lack of experience?

Even with a short track record, you can still show what you can do. Focus on showing off beneficial experience in construction, property management, or other areas. Putting together a strong team of people with different but complementary skills can also show that you can complete the job successfully.

How do I even start the process of getting a loan?

Don’t worry! That’s where we come in. We offer complimentary meetings at to discuss your project and funding needs. We can walk you through the application process, help you gather the necessary paperwork, and speak up for you with possible lenders.

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