The Ultimate Guide to Interest Rates for Commercial Construction Loans

Interest Rates for Commercial Construction Loans is a way to get the money you need to build commercial real estate projects like office buildings, shopping centers, or industrial facilities. These loans make these projects possible because they let companies put money into their growth and facilities. 

Borrowers need to know about interest rates for commercial construction loans because they significantly affect how much the loan costs. A small change in the interest rate can add up to a bulky bill over the life of the loan.

This article aims to clarify the confusion surrounding interest rates for commercial construction loans so borrowers can make wise decisions when looking for project funding. By determining what makes these rates change, we will give borrowers the information they need to go through the loan process safely and get the best terms for their construction projects.

Learn about the interest rates for commercial construction loans.

Interest rates for commercial construction loans are not a single number. Instead, they are a result of several different factors. Borrowers can better understand how the end rate is calculated by breaking these parts down.

Breakdown of Interest Rate Components

  • Base Rate: On this, the interest rate is based on several factors, including the type of loan, the cost of borrowing money, and the state of the market. The bank that works with correspondent lenders for commercial construction loans may set the base rate. Correspondent lenders act as facilitators between borrowers and banks.
  • Loan Spread: This shows how much the lender made from giving the loan. It shows how risky the project is thought to be, how creditworthy the client is, and the loan-to-value ratio (LTV). A more comprehensive loan range usually means a higher risk profile or LTV.
  • Market adjustments: Economic changes, such as when the Federal Reserve changes interest rates, can impact the base rate and, eventually, the loan’s interest rate.

Fixed vs. Variable Interest Rates

Commercial construction loans can be structured with either fixed or variable interest rates:

  • Fixed Rate: This kind of loan is stable throughout the loan period. At first, the interest rate is locked in. This lets borrowers plan their payments and protects them against future interest rate hikes.
  • Variable Rate: The prime rate or the secured overnight financing rate (SOFR) is often used as a standard for changing the interest rate. Variable rates may have cheaper rates at first, but if the benchmark rate goes up, payments may go up too.

The Prime Rate and SOFR

  • Prime Rate: This is the rate of interest that big banks charge their most credit-worthy business clients. Many commercial loans, like construction loans, use it as a standard. Because each customer is different, the lender may offer a spread above or below the Prime Rate.
  • SOFR (Secured Overnight Financing Rate): This standard rate was made by the Federal Reserve to replace the London Interbank Offered Rate (LIBOR). SOFR shows the interest rate that banks pay each other for overnight loans. Because SOFR-based loans are stable and precise, many lenders are switching to them.

Loan Points

Loan points are fees you pay the lender up front in exchange for a lower interest rate. Usually, each point means that the interest rate goes down by 1%. Borrowers must consider how much the points cost upfront and how much they will save on interest payments over time.

Factors Affecting Commercial Construction Loan Rates

The interest rate on a loan for commercial construction is sometimes different. Lenders charge different rates depending on several factors. Knowing these factors helps users make a stronger case and get a better rate.

Loan-to-Value Ratio (LTV)

This ratio looks at how much the loan is compared to how much the job is expected to be worth when it’s done. The investor is taking on more risk when the LTV is high since they will lose more if the project fails. Loan-to-value ratio commercial construction loans with higher LTVs usually have higher interest rates.

Borrower Creditworthiness

The interest rate is based on the borrower’s credit background, just like any other loan. A good credit score shows that the borrower has been careful with money and is financially stable. This makes the borrower more appealing to lenders, who may offer a lower interest rate.

Loan Term

How long the loan lasts also affects the interest rate. The interest rate on a short-term loan is usually lower because the seller is taking on less risk. On the other hand, lenders typically charge higher interest rates for longer loan terms to compensate for the longer exposure time.

Property Type and Location

The interest rate can change based on the type of commercial property and its location. Lenders may give better rates on projects in well-known areas in high demand or less risky property types. On the other hand, interest rates may be higher for less popular property types or projects in places that have yet to be tested.

Current Market Conditions

The overall state of the economy and significant changes in interest rates made by the Federal Reserve significantly affect the rates for commercial construction loans. When the Federal Reserve raises interest rates, it costs lenders more to borrow money, which usually means that commercial loans have higher interest rates. On the other hand, when federal rates go down, it can be easier for construction projects to get loans.

Different Types of Commercial Construction Loans and Their Rates

Different kinds of commercial construction loans meet the needs of other projects and types of borrowers. Borrowers can choose the best financing option for their project goals if they know about the various types of loans and the interest rates that go with them.

Traditional Loans for Commercial Construction

Interest Rate Range6% to 12% or higher (depending on various factors)
Loan Term Range12 to 36 months (with potential extensions)
Property TypesOffice, retail, industrial, and multi-family housing
EligibilityStrong credit, business plan, and project equity

Traditional bank loans from commercial banks are often the best option for commercial construction projects. Most of the time, these loans come with:

  • Interest Rates: Rates can be anywhere from 4% to 12% or even higher, based on things like LTV, creditworthiness, and other things we’ve already discussed. Most of the time, you can choose between fixed and fluctuating rates.
  • Loan Terms: Loan terms are usually between 12 and 36 months, suitable for construction jobs that will only last for a while. Extensions might be possible if the project moves forward and the lender agrees.
  • Property Types: Traditional bank loans can buy a wide range of commercial properties, such as office buildings, shopping malls, factories, and even projects that build multiple homes for one family.
  • Eligibility: Borrowers must show they have good credit, a good business plan, and enough project ownership, usually through a down payment, to be approved.

SBA 504 Loans rates

Interest Rate RangeAround 6% or lower (fixed)
Loan Term Range10 to 25 years
Property TypesLand, buildings (Owner-Occupied) – offices, warehouses, etc.
EligibilityFor-profit businesses meeting SBA size standards with a viable business plan and good character

Together with Certified Development Companies (CDCs), the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) offers the SBA 504 Loan program, a unique way for small businesses to get the money they need to buy fixed assets that will help them grow.

Benefits of SBA 504 Loans

  • Lower Interest Rates: Because the government backs the loans and more than one lender participates, SBA 504 loans usually have fixed interest rates cheaper than traditional bank loans. Rates for SBA 504 loans can be as low as about 6%, but this depends on how the market is doing at the time.
  • Long-Term Financing: The loan terms for SBA 504 loans are longer; they usually last between 10 and 20 years. This means smaller monthly payments and helps the business grow in the long run.
  • Reduced Down Payment: The down payment for an SBA 504 loan is usually only 10% of the project’s total cost, which is less than the down payment for a regular loan. This can improve a small business’s cash flow and financial freedom.

SBA 504 Loan Characteristics

  • Interest Rates: Fixed rates that depend on the market and are around 6% or less
  • Loan Terms: 10 to 25 years
  • Property Types: Owner-occupied land and buildings, such as offices, warehouses, factories, and infrastructure changes.
  • Eligibility: U.S.-based companies that make money and have a net worth of less than $15 million and an average net income of less than $5 million over the last two years. They must also be the right size for the SBA, have a good attitude, and show a good business plan.

Hard Money Loans

Interest Rate Range10% to 13% or higher
Loan Term Range6 to 24 months (with possible extensions)
Property TypesVarious, including fixer-uppers and riskier projects
EligibilityLess emphasis on credit, focus on property value
BenefitsFast closing, flexible structure

Commercial construction projects that can’t get a standard bank loan can get hard money loans instead. These loans come from private lenders or business groups, and they are known for:

  • Higher Interest Rates: Hard money loans usually have much higher interest rates than standard bank loans or SBA options because the terms are shorter and the asset’s value is more critical than the borrower’s creditworthiness. Rates can be anywhere from 12% to 15% or even more.
  • Shorter Terms: Hard money loans are meant for short-term financial needs. Typical loan terms are between 6 and 24 months. Extensions might be possible, but lenders must agree to them, and there may be extra fees.
  • Eligibility: On the other hand, hard money lenders care more about the property’s value that will secure the loan than the borrower’s credit history. Some people may benefit from this, especially those with bad credit or who need help getting standard loans.
  • Property Types: When compared to banks, hard money lenders may be more open to the types of properties they will fund. They might be open to projects with more significant risks, like homes that need work or ones that are in areas that still need to be well known.


  • Fast Closing: Hard money lenders can close loans much quicker than standard banks because they have more straightforward ways to approve loans. This can be very important for projects with tight deadlines.
  • Flexibility: Hard money lenders can structure loans in a way that is more adaptable to the project’s needs.

Other Loan Options for Commercial Construction

Here’s a quick explanation of some alternative loan options for commercial construction projects, along with their interest rates, terms, eligibility, and benefits:

Bridge Loans

  • Description: Short-term financing is used to “bridge the gap” between funding sources, often to cover unexpected costs or delays until permanent financing is secured.
  • Interest Rates: Higher than traditional loans, typically 10% to 13%.
  • Terms: Short-term, usually from 12 to 24 months.
  • Eligibility: Varied, may require strong credit and collateral.
  • Property Types: Flexible can be used for various property types.
  • Benefits: Fast closing and flexibility for short-term needs.

Business Line of Credit (LOC) Loans

  • Description: Provides a revolving line of credit that borrowers can tap into as needed, similar to a credit card.
  • Interest Rates: Rates are variable and typically tied to the prime rate, potentially higher than some long-term loans.
  • Terms: Ongoing line of credit, with repayment terms for drawn funds.
  • Eligibility: Requires good credit history and strong financials.
  • Property Types: Flexible, not directly tied to a specific property.
  • Benefits: Provides ongoing access to capital for ongoing expenses or project contingencies.

Business Statement Loans (Not a standard option)

  • Description: Relies on the borrower’s business financials (statements) rather than credit score for approval. Less common than other options.
  • Interest Rates: Typically higher than traditional loans due to the perceived risk, ranging from 9% to 16% or higher.
  • Terms: This can vary, but often shorter terms like bridge loans (12-24 months).
  • Eligibility: Businesses with limited credit history but strong financials may qualify.
  • Property Types: Flexible can be used for various property types.
  • Benefits: Option for businesses with limited credit history.

Term Loan

  • Description: A lump sum loan repaid over a fixed term with regular installments. Similar to a traditional loan but may have stricter eligibility requirements.
  • Interest Rates: Rates can vary depending on creditworthiness and loan term, potentially higher than SBA loans but lower than hard money loans (6% to 10%).
  • Terms: Fixed-term loans, typically 3 to 5 years or longer, depending on the lender.
  • Eligibility: Requires good credit history and strong business financials.
  • Property Types: Can be used to finance various property types.
  • Benefits: Predictable payments, potentially lower rates than hard money or bridge loans.

DSCR (Debt Service Coverage Ratio) Loans

  • Description: Focuses on the borrower’s ability to service debt based on the project’s projected cash flow. Useful for projects with stable income streams.
  • Interest Rates: Rates can vary depending on the DSCR and project risk, which are potentially competitive with traditional loans.
  • Terms can vary but often align with the project’s income generation timeline.
  • Eligibility: Requires a strong business plan and good DSCR ratio.
  • Property Types: These can be used for projects with predictable income streams, like income-generating properties.
  • Benefits: Potentially competitive rates for projects with strong cash flow.

USDA B&I Loan (Guaranteed Loan Program)

  • Description: The US Department of Agriculture (USDA) offers a loan program to promote rural business development. It can be used for construction in eligible rural areas.
  • Interest Rates: Typically, it offers competitive rates due to government guarantees, potentially lower than traditional bank loans.
  • Terms: Terms can vary depending on the project but offer longer terms than traditional loans.
  • Eligibility: According to the USDA, businesses in rural areas have a strong business plan.
  • Property Types: Primarily for business development in designated rural areas.
  • Benefits: Competitive rates, longer terms, and support for rural development.

How to Get the Best Interest Rate on Your Commercial Construction Loan

Getting a reasonable interest rate on your commercial construction loan is essential to making the most money from the job. Here are some basic things you can do to take charge:

Strengthen Your Credit Score

Lenders use your credit score as one of the most important things they look at when you apply for a loan. A good credit history shows that you are a responsible borrower and that your finances are stable. This makes you a more appealing borrower and gives you lower interest rates. Before you go to lenders, work on getting and keeping a good credit score.

Increase Your Down Payment (Refer to LTV Section)

As we talked about when we talked about the Loan-to-Value Ratio (LTV), a lower LTV means less risk for the lender. Increasing your down payment and lowering the loan amount compared to the value of the project can make it much more likely that you will get a better interest rate.

Shop Around and Compare Rates (Consider Correspondent Lenders and Superbrokers)

Don’t take the first deal that comes your way. It would be best to see what lenders offer to get the best deal. Businesses like can be helpful in this case. We work with a network of banks and other lenders as a correspondent lender. This means you can get loans from a broader range of lenders and possibly at better rates. As a superbroker, we can find credit options from a vast group of lenders in addition to our correspondent relationships. This increases your chances of getting the best terms. Shopping around does not negatively impact your credit score as long as lenders conduct a soft inquiry.

Prepare a Strong Loan Application Package

A well-organized loan application package shows that you are professional and take the job seriously. Usually, this box should have:

  • A comprehensive business plan outlining the project’s scope, financials, and projected cash flow.
  • Detailed project budget and cost estimates.
  • Pro forma financial statements for your business.
  • Documentation of your experience and qualifications in managing construction projects.
  • Personal and business tax returns for the past few years.
  • Property appraisals and other relevant documentation for the project site.

Putting together a robust application package shows lenders that you are sure you can finish the job and pay back the loan, which could lead to a better interest rate.

You need to know about interest rates for commercial construction loans to make intelligent financial choices about your project’s finances. Suppose you understand the factors that affect these rates. In that case, you can negotiate the best terms and make your job profitable.

The information gives you a general idea of what to do. It can help people to talk to a skilled financial advisor.

Are you ready to move on? Get in touch with right away to talk about your needs for a commercial construction loan. Our team of professionals can help you find the best loan choices, interest rates, and financing options for the success of your project. Let’s make your construction dreams come true!


What are commercial construction loans?

Commercial construction loans are a type of loan that can be used to pay for the construction of commercial real estate projects. These loans make these projects possible because they let businesses spend on their growth and infrastructure.

Why is it important to understand interest rates?

Interest rates have a significant effect on how much your loan costs all together. A difference in the interest rate that doesn’t seem like much can add up to a lot of money over the life of the loan. Knowing how interest rates are calculated gives you the power to choose a loan choice that is best for you.

What are the different types of commercial construction loans?

Several loan options cater to diverse project needs and borrower profiles. Here are some common types:

  • Traditional Bank Loans: Offered directly by banks, with fixed or variable rates and terms typically ranging from 12 to 36 months.
  • SBA 504 Loans: Offered by the SBA in collaboration with CDCs, they provide lower interest rates, longer terms (10-20 years), and a more minor down payment requirement.
  • Hard Money Loans: Provided by private lenders with higher interest rates (12-15% or more) and shorter terms (6-24 months) but faster closing times and potentially more flexible eligibility requirements.
  • Other options: Bridge loans, Business Line of Credit (LOC) loans, Business Statement loans, Term loans, DSCR (Debt Service Coverage Ratio) loans, and USDA B&I loans (for rural development).

How can I get the best interest rate on my loan?

Here are some key strategies:

  • Improve your credit score.
  • Increase your down payment to lower the LTV ratio.
  • Shop around and compare rates from multiple lenders, including exploring options through correspondent lenders and superbrokers.
  • Prepare a robust loan application package showcasing your project’s viability. 

Comment (1)

  • May 21, 2024

    Commercial Construction Loans: Fixed Vs. Variable Interest Rates

    […] who value security and want to avoid the possible changes with variable interest rates should look into fixed-rate loans. But there may also be some problems to think about. Would you […]

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